Thursday, July 10, 2008

Biological controls.

When I went to water my tomatoes last night I found this little fella hidden inside one of the growbags. I decided not to evict him as I'm hoping that he has a taste for slugs.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Mansfield Half Marathon

I ran the Mansfield Half Marathon today in the pissing rain, despite that I had a really good run. This was mostly down to the fact that about half a mile from the start I caught up with another member of my tri club, who is also a fellow ironman, and for the first time in years I didn't run alone. A good natter really makes the miles go by quickly and a bit of peer pressure certainly prevents slackening off up the hills.

Afterwards Ann-Marie and I headed down the road to Rufford Park for a little walk before dinner which is were I snapped the picture of the daisy.

Friday, July 04, 2008


Had a fun swim last night, just did lots of bi-lateral and drills. And a pyramid set where I gradually reduced the number of breaths I took per length until I was just taking a single breath at the beginning. The ability to breathe infrequently is pretty useful in an Ironman swim when 500 stronger swimmers are attempting to swim over you in the middle of a choppy lake.
I didn't have a picture of the pool so here's a part of the River Maun that I pass on one of my runs.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Where is the rain.

The weather forecast was for heavy rain today so instead of cycling to work I went on my motorbike. I squeezed in a run this morning and scheduled a swim for tonight to make up for it, but I haven't seen any rain yet. It better start raining soon or I'll be pissed!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Ελληνική είναι δύσκολο.

Other than not doing quite enough training for Ironman, I have mostly been learning Greek.

Greek is hard.